Sunday, November 13, 2011

Lady of the Lakes Renaissance Faire 2011

Skallabjorn Vilkjalmr preparing for combat:

A view of the Faire:

Sir Conrad Marshall helps Skallabjorn into his armor:

Preparing Sir Corbin for combat:

Preparing for combat:

The encampment:

An armor display:

Another shot of the encampment:

Preparing Sir Conrad for combat:

Skallabjorn after combat:

Me ("Katherine de la Haye") and Skallabjorn:

Well, this is kind of obvious:

So is this:

Preparing lunch:

Mmmmm. Beef stew!

3 men of Sheffield: Skallabjorn (seated), Sir Conrad (in black), Etienne (in blue/gold):


One more of Skallabjorn:

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Lady of the Lakes Renaissance Faire 2011

This is just a teaser of some of the pics I got at the Lady of the Lakes Renaissance Faire this past weekend - more coming soon!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

March School Event

At the end of March, Lord Cedric, Skallabjorn and myself went over to Lake Silver Elementary School and talked to the kids about medieval life. Here are a few shots from that day:

Our table, in the courtyard:

One of Lord Cedric's helms:

Skallabjorn, looking very happy (hey - he's a man who was made to do events like this):

Skallabjorn's mail & a few swords very aesthetically arranged:

Lord Cedric & one of the teachers, addressing the students:

Lord Cedric & Skallabjorn teach the students (who were dressed medieval-ish for the event):

Showing the kids the armor:

And the kids really seemed to enjoy it. We both look forward to doing more events like this when school is back in session.

Canton Event: May/June

For our June event (which was a double event making up for May) we were fortunate enough to have the crowns come up and visit us - HRM Dame Cerridwyn Fiend and HRM Sir Nikademus Fiend:

Here, Skallabjorn (in black kilt) sounds the horn to open court:

Lord Cedric (in white shirt) and Skallabjorn at opening of court:

Archery! Sir Gar takes aim:

Sir Conrad is behind him, but he's kind of hard to see in this picture.

Skallabjorn & HRM Sir Nikademus compete in the archery:

Here's a better shot of Sir Gar & Sir Conrad competing in archery:

Lord Cedric & HRM Dame Cerridwyn compete in archery:

As it turns out, Lord Cedric won the archery that day. Congratulations to Lord Cedric!

Now, we did have one very amusing incident happen during the shooting; this was one of Sir Conrad's arrows:

Right through the bag!

And even thought it was quite hot and muggy, we still did combat. Here, Lord Cedric has a swig of water before competing:

Sir Conrad & Lord Cedric head over towards the battlefield:

HRM Sir Nikademus (in white) and Lord Cedric (in green) face off:

Sir Conrad (in black) & Skallabjorn face off:

Sir Conrad won all of the combat on this day. Congratulations Sir Conrad!

Sir Gar also made an announcement: Sir Conrad and Lord Cedric were inducted into the Order of the Dragon for their work with the schools - going to a local school and teaching kids about the medieval period. As I understand things, this means Skallabjorn and myself are also members of this Order, as we participated in an educational event back in March (I do have pics of this, and I plan to get them up ASAP - apologies for the delay). So that's really awesome, if you ask me. Order of the Dragon. How cool!

Due to the heat and humidity in Florida during the summer, we have decided to take the next 2 months off; instead of an event, we might look into doing a brief sojourn up to St. Augustine, which has much by way of medieval period history. We also might do a "medieval movie night" or some such as someone's house - but whatever we do, we want to have access to air conditioning, something our medieval forefathers might have been tremendously appreciative of!

I do have a few more pictures, so I'll get those up in another entry soon.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Worst Jobs In History: The Tudor Period

More fun & games with terrible jobs with Tony Robinson...

And oh my...

OMG you've GOT to be kidding me! Wiping the royal bum! AAAHhahahaha!!!! OK, see here, people, I don't care HOW royal someone is in Adria - I am NOT wiping anyone's bum!!

And a lot of people don't realize that woad is a topical hallucinogen!

YAY TONY! Putting himself through what we women would have been put through! And in a dress, at that! HUZZAH!!

The Worst Jobs in History: The Middle Ages

Tony Robinson checks out the worst jobs in the Middle Ages...

Oh, nice, send the women in after the leeches. Really good.

Um, no thanks on the barber thing. Ugh. And that medieval enema tube - AAAAAAHHHH NOOOOOOOOO LOL!!! Oh man, and killing an eel on tv - um, where's PETA when ya need them?!

And no - I'm sorry, but you couldn't pay me enough to sample worm soup. GAAAA!!! Hahahaha!

Marching around in urine. Nice. I have such an appreciation for life in the 21st century.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

New Link: Bede's World

I'm also going to try and put some links on this blog that are historically interesting and releveant to our business of re-enactment. I found the link to Bede's World and I thought it would make a very good addition to the links list on the sidebar.

Admittedly, the period Bede lived in is very early, earlier than the Adria period, but it's still considered "early medieval" and Bede's World looks like a very interesting museum in the north of England that I for one would really like to visit if I ever get over there.